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Beharangozó - Hanna Peach: Girl Wife Prisoner


A Girl Wife Prisoner egy igazán kemény témájú könyv, de ezzel együtt érdekesen hangzik. Valójában a borítója miatt figyeltem fel rá.


Milyen messzire mennél, hogy szabad legyél?
Drake Blackwell sikeres, irányító, és erőszakos családi múltját rejtegeti. És most itt a legújabb
befektetése: Noriko.
A Japánból importált Norikót hozzáadják egy idegenhez, és küzd, hogy sikerüljön megfelelnie a Jó Feleség kívánalmainak. Drake úgy tűnik, nem szereti, nem úgy, ahogyan azt ő szeretné. A Blackwell Manor kapuin túli szabadságról álmodozik.
Találkozik Keirrel, a szenvedélyes, fiatal kertésszel, aki osztozik a szabadságvágyában. Képtelen elfelejteni, és figyelmen kívül hagyni a tüzet, amit fellobbant benne. Csendes szenvedése közepén megtalálta a boldogságát. Egy darabka reményt.
 De ez az affér nem tarthat örökké... vagy igen?
A sötétség a közelben ólálkodik, de nem úgy, ahogy gondolnák. Vannak szörnyetegek, de nem azok a fajták, akiket ismersz. Az az igazság, ebben a történetben senki sem teljesen ártatlan. És mindig hajnal előtt a legsötétebb.
Habár egy sorozat tagja, önálló kötetként is olvasható, nincs benne függővég. Figyelmeztetés: 18+

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Exkluzív részlet

Almost a full head taller than me, he towered over me as he glared down at me. “What do you want, hime?”
For a second I was so taken aback I couldn’t speak. Hime is the Japanese word for princess. My chichi − my father − called me hime.
My surprise turned back into anger when I realized he was using the term as an insult. “I demand you show me around my gardens.”
He laughed. “I’m not your personal tour guide. Ask your husband to do it.” He turned to walk away.
Of all the rude, arrogant, insolent, rude−
I was so furious I just reacted. I grabbed his arm, whirling him around to face me. Our eyes locked. He froze, his mouth slightly parted, air sucking back into him.
His eyes were the richest, deepest brown I had ever seen, like melted chocolate with flecks of a lighter pecan brown. His lashes were so naturally thick and black that they seemed almost rimmed with kohl. They drew me in and held me like a lover’s grip. I forgot what I was about to yell at him. I forgot why I was even mad. I almost forgot how to keep myself breathing.
He glanced down and I followed his gaze. He was staring at my hand still on his arm, my fingers barely reaching halfway around his forearm. I felt the strength in his marble-sculpted muscle, the smoothness of his skin under my palm, the heat radiating from the blood that flowed through his veins.
Oh God. I was touching him.
I snatched my hand away. His eyes darted back up to my face.
“Yes?” he said, the word filled with impatience.
“You work for my husband,” I said.
“That’s right. I work for your husband. I don’t work for you.”
“If he were here−”
“He’s not here.”
“If he were here,” I said louder, “he would tell you to take me around the gardens. So do it. Now.”
He glared back at me, defiance flaring in his eyes, his cheek twitching as he tensed his jaw. The air between us filled with a thick, hot electricity. I got the distinctive feeling I had met my stubbornness match.

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