Beharangozó - Andi Loveall: The Edge Of Something More {Nyereményjáték}
Egy újabb new adult történet beharangozójával érkeztem!
Egy rázós szakítás után a 22 éves Devin Ashford küldetésének tekinti, hogy beutazza a világot: egyik random kirándulás követi a másikat. El akarja felejteni az exét, új tapasztalatokat szerezni és lenyűgöző történeteket összegyűjteni, amiket majd elmesélhet. Ha ehhez az kell, hogy minden spórolt pénzét felélje, hát legyen.
Az első megállója Észak-Karolina egy tanyája, amiről kiderül, hogy igazi bohém paradicsom. A fű bőséges, a vendéglátói imádják, és elég ránéznie a tizenkilenc éves keresztlányukra, Corára, hogy maradni akarjon.
Cora figyelmezteti, hogy nem áll készen egy komoly kapcsolatra, de Devin fülig beleszeret. A játékos csókokból szenvedélyes szex lesz, és minden egyes nap egyre közelebb kerülnek és egyre szebbé válik az élet - amíg el nem követi azt a hibát, hogy kimondja: Szeretlek. A jövőről folytatott beszélgetés megöli a vibrálást, és Cora eltaszítja magától.
Dühösen és visszautasítva Devin felkészül a következő kirándulására: hátizsákos túra Indiában. De épp, amikor eljön az indulás ideje, a tanya egyik imádott állatának halála felzaklatja Corát, és szüksége van egy barátra.
Devin kedvessége még egy esélyt ad a románcra.
Kezében a repülőjeggyel a büszkeségét kockáztatva marad, és rájönnek, hogy valami ennél is fontosabb a tét.
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Exkluzív részlet
They entered the orchard. Devin felt the familiar swell of lust and tingling as he saw Cora by the east end, pacing around and drinking from a bottle of water. She was wearing denim shorts and a t-shirt with the words Go Green, Eat Local across the chest. He wanted to do both pretty desperately.
“Morning,” he said, putting on an aloof face. “What are we doing today?”
The aloof face made his voice come out unnaturally deep. He cleared his throat.
“Sheet mulching.”
“What is that?” he said, clearing his throat again before deciding to give it up. “Sounds like some sort of ancient tribal dance.”
Lucius picked up a weed-whacker and lifted it over his head like it was a weapon. He let out a warrior call and went into an intense dance, kicking his feet.
Devin watched him with a deadpan expression. It made Cora laugh.
“Not quite,” she said. “C’mon. I’ll show you.”
She led them through the orchard to the clearing on the far side, trudging out to the middle, and leaving a trail of smashed weeds behind her.
“We want to start some more crops out here next season,” she said, spreading her arms to demonstrate the area around her. “So we’re going to lay sheet mulch to help get the ground ready. Lucius, you’re going to start weed whacking this area. And Devin—you’re with me.”
“What are we doing?”
“Hauling compost,” she said. “Since you’re so good at carrying things.”
Together they gathered supplies from the shed and rolled over to the compost bins that were outside the worker kitchen. They looked similar to the ones down at the house.
She held the wheelbarrow steady as he shoveled it in.
“Composting is my favorite,” she said. “Is that weird?”
“Not at all. Lucius was just telling me about it. I think it’s a good idea.”
“Did you know that not even biodegradable things break down in a landfill? There’s no life down that deep. It all just stays there.”
“That’s disturbing.”
“I know. Sometimes I stay awake at night just thinking about it.”
The brrruuuummmm of the weed-whacker grew louder as they made their way back with the first load. He pushed the wheelbarrow, and she walked alongside him with the shovel. Just as they rounded the last corner, she turned.
“So, are you single?”
The wheelbarrow jammed on a rock, sending him stumbling forward. He dropped to one knee and caught it before it fell over.
“Whoa, smooth.”
“See? I told you. Practice makes perfect.”
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“Um … Yeah, I’m single. You?”
She trotted ahead, looking back at him over her shoulder. “Why?”
“I don’t know. Why’d you ask me?”
“What sort of person answers a question with another question?”
“What sort of person talks about answering a question with a question when they just did the same thing?”
“I don’t know.” She gave him a toothy grin. “What sort are you?”
He narrowed his eyes at her and set the wheelbarrow by the area Lucius was cutting down. They waited a few minutes for him to complete the task, watching as the plants within the square met their bitter end. When he finished and it was quiet, she turned.
“I’m single,” she said.
“Morning,” he said, putting on an aloof face. “What are we doing today?”
The aloof face made his voice come out unnaturally deep. He cleared his throat.
“Sheet mulching.”
“What is that?” he said, clearing his throat again before deciding to give it up. “Sounds like some sort of ancient tribal dance.”
Lucius picked up a weed-whacker and lifted it over his head like it was a weapon. He let out a warrior call and went into an intense dance, kicking his feet.
Devin watched him with a deadpan expression. It made Cora laugh.
“Not quite,” she said. “C’mon. I’ll show you.”
She led them through the orchard to the clearing on the far side, trudging out to the middle, and leaving a trail of smashed weeds behind her.
“We want to start some more crops out here next season,” she said, spreading her arms to demonstrate the area around her. “So we’re going to lay sheet mulch to help get the ground ready. Lucius, you’re going to start weed whacking this area. And Devin—you’re with me.”
“What are we doing?”
“Hauling compost,” she said. “Since you’re so good at carrying things.”
Together they gathered supplies from the shed and rolled over to the compost bins that were outside the worker kitchen. They looked similar to the ones down at the house.
She held the wheelbarrow steady as he shoveled it in.
“Composting is my favorite,” she said. “Is that weird?”
“Not at all. Lucius was just telling me about it. I think it’s a good idea.”
“Did you know that not even biodegradable things break down in a landfill? There’s no life down that deep. It all just stays there.”
“That’s disturbing.”
“I know. Sometimes I stay awake at night just thinking about it.”
The brrruuuummmm of the weed-whacker grew louder as they made their way back with the first load. He pushed the wheelbarrow, and she walked alongside him with the shovel. Just as they rounded the last corner, she turned.
“So, are you single?”
The wheelbarrow jammed on a rock, sending him stumbling forward. He dropped to one knee and caught it before it fell over.
“Whoa, smooth.”
“See? I told you. Practice makes perfect.”
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“Um … Yeah, I’m single. You?”
She trotted ahead, looking back at him over her shoulder. “Why?”
“I don’t know. Why’d you ask me?”
“What sort of person answers a question with another question?”
“What sort of person talks about answering a question with a question when they just did the same thing?”
“I don’t know.” She gave him a toothy grin. “What sort are you?”
He narrowed his eyes at her and set the wheelbarrow by the area Lucius was cutting down. They waited a few minutes for him to complete the task, watching as the plants within the square met their bitter end. When he finished and it was quiet, she turned.
“I’m single,” she said.
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