Beharangozó - Elle Casey: The Changelings {Nyereményjáték}
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A NEW YORK TIMES és USA TODAY BESTSELLER SZERZŐ, ELLE CASEY, elhozza a YA Urban Fantasy sorozat, a WAR OF THE FAE első részét.
Jayne Sparks egy szabadszájú, lázadó tizenhét éves, és legjobb barátja, a szégyenlős és könyvmoly Tony Green teljesen normális gimis életet élnek, míg egy nap látszólag egymástól független balesetek kezdődnek, amik végül az egész életüket örökre megváltoztatják. Jayne-t és Tonyt egy csapat otthonról elszökött tinivel elrabolják és egy erdőbe küldik, ahol semmi és senki nem az, aminek látszik. Vajon ki kerül ki győztesen? És mivé válnak addigra?
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Amazon: dp/B00766OKOI
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Kobo: https://store.kobobooks. com/en-US/ebook/war-of-the- fae-book-1-the-changelings
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Exkluzív részlet
I couldn’t take much more of the high school nonsense. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be there. Where would I be if I weren’t there? ... I don’t know. All I did know was I was in the middle of all that crap, going to class, taking tests - but I was on autopilot, going through the motions, waiting for life to start happening.
Sitting in World History and bored out of my mind, I was looking at a girl one row over who was the polar opposite of me. She was staring attentively at the teacher, her pen poised above an already nearly full page of notes, eager to write down every nugget of educational wisdom he was throwing our way. She loved high school, and she had big plans for moving on to college next year. She had cheer practice after school and a boyfriend named Mike who played wide receiver on the football team. Ugh.
I owned a pen. I probably had some paper somewhere in my backpack too. That day, however, I was using my pen to draw symbols all over my right hand - temporary tattoos. I write and eat with my left hand but do just about everything else with my right. My own body was confused with what it was supposed to do.
I was in the minority in that school. It seemed like just about everyone else knew exactly what they were doing now and what they were going to be doing until the day they died. Me? I didn’t have a clue. All I knew was this wasn’t it.
Sitting in World History and bored out of my mind, I was looking at a girl one row over who was the polar opposite of me. She was staring attentively at the teacher, her pen poised above an already nearly full page of notes, eager to write down every nugget of educational wisdom he was throwing our way. She loved high school, and she had big plans for moving on to college next year. She had cheer practice after school and a boyfriend named Mike who played wide receiver on the football team. Ugh.
I owned a pen. I probably had some paper somewhere in my backpack too. That day, however, I was using my pen to draw symbols all over my right hand - temporary tattoos. I write and eat with my left hand but do just about everything else with my right. My own body was confused with what it was supposed to do.
I was in the minority in that school. It seemed like just about everyone else knew exactly what they were doing now and what they were going to be doing until the day they died. Me? I didn’t have a clue. All I knew was this wasn’t it.
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I'm Noelle, Elle's Assistant. Thanks for posting about The Changelings! We hope your readers enjoy the excerpt and grab their free copy. There are 9 more books in the series to enjoy :) Happy reading!