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Már megjelent! - Hypton 14 {Nyereményjáték}


A Hypton 14 egy felnőtt sci-fi regény, egy véleményem szerint elég morbid világgal - de pont ez hangzik érdekesen.


...Az éhesek be akarnak jutni...
9012-t írunk, és egy létfenntartó biokupolán belül a férfiak már többezer éve kihaltak. A nők szexi robotokkal helyettesítették őket, akiket főzésre, takarításra és tulajdonosuk legintimebb vágyainak kielégítésére programoztak.
De kint sokkal több lény maradt életben, mint valaha lehetségesnek gondolták.
És néhányan be akarnak jutni.

Megrendelési linkek:

Barnes and Noble

Exkluzív részlet

"You're trying to buy a Hypton, and all you have is two hundred dollars?"
Lyssa took a deep breath and hoped the shopkeeper didn't notice her shaking hands. She'd taken a big swallow of vodka, for courage, before coming out of the transpod. "It's all I have."
"Don't rich girls like you get shiny new ones for your Sweet 16?" The shopkeeper leaned forward, sneering, and Lyssa could see how aged she looked.
She must not be able to afford the treatments, Lyssa thought. Or maybe she didn't have a spare body to transfer into. What would it be like, she wondered, knowing that once your body wore out, that was the end of you?
The other girl, the one hanging some clothes in the back, snorted out a laugh, looking sideways at her coworker.
Lyssa stood up straighter. She'd worn her shabbiest clothing, her old black leggings and boots and a thick, black jacket. Her hair, usually styled and shiny, was piled messily on top of her head and stuffed under a plain black headband. She was trying not to stand out, but she must have done something wrong, because these north-enders were looking at her like she was tonight's dinner.
They could tell she didn't belong here, and now she wished she hadn't come at all.
"No," she said, looking straight at her, "not me."
"For two hundred dollars, you could rent one for a couple of hours. There's an office in back where you can be alone with it, if you can get it to power up." The woman came out from behind the counter, and the girl from the back was slowly making her way up front. "Are you sure that's all you have, then? I like your jacket. It looks real, not printed." She reached out a hand toward Lyssa's coat.
Shit, I should never have come here. "My cousin Janie said I should be able to get one for about that much. I don't feel like waiting for my Aunt Connie to buy me one."
The woman blinked, and the other girl paused for a moment, then went back to adjusting the hangers.
"Janie sent you?"
"Well, it was one of the stores she mentioned. She said I could trust this place to give me a fair price."
They all knew it was a lie, but the woman nodded her head sadly. She didn't want to be visited by the perimeter guard. Nobody did.

Linkek a szerzőhöz:


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2 megjegyzés:

  1. Szia! Nagyon tetszik hogy ilyen változatos könyveket véleményezel és a blogod is nagyon jó :)

    1. Szia! Köszönöm! :) Örülök, hogy így érzel!
